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The Inception Project and Earth's Pleiadian Cousins

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The Inception Project and Earth's Pleiadian Cousins

During the early development of the Lyran system the first friction between polarities began to occur.



I search and study the most exotic alien species, using various sources and my personal knowledge.
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Mysteries of The World:
Alien Races and Hybrid Races:
The Mystery of Spiritual World:
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Variety of Life:
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Последний раз редактировалось: stabilo62 (Вт Май 08 2018, 14:14), всего редактировалось 3 раз(а)



Telos & Subterranean Cities

When Lemuria, which went down first, almost 200 years before Atlantis sunk, they petitioned the Agharta Network. The Agharta Network is a network of subterranean cities that is guided by a city called Shambhala the Lesser (to distinguish it from Shambhala the Greater which is the etheric Shambhala over the Gobi Desert.)
Shambhala the Lesser was created when the continent of Hyperborea was vacated after Earth lost her mantle and the planet started receiving radioactive waves that they had not been victim to in the earlier times. So they started building subterranean cities over a 100,000 years ago.

When Atlantis and Lemuria petitioned to build subterranean cities themselves and to be accepted into the Aghartian Network, they had to prove to Shambhala the Lesser that they had learned the lessons of oppression, that they had learned the lessons of war. And they also had to prove it to many other agencies, such as the Confederation, which we will go into a little later.


Последний раз редактировалось: stabilo62 (Вт Май 08 2018, 15:17), всего редактировалось 10 раз(а)


Light & Air

Many people have asked,
“How on earth can you live under, under the earth? Number one, what kind of light do you have, or do you have light? Or are you mole people?”
Yes we do have light.
There is a process that a stone with a high crystalline content is fused with an electromagnetic force of energy. This infusion of energy, in essence, causes the crystalline matrix of the stone to create a polarity that allows the stone to pull in the even invisible rays, and readmit them as visible light. In an essence, it becomes a small sun.
Our main lighting structure throughout the city, as with the other subterranean cities is produced by these stones. The light they produce is a full spectrum lighting, admitting all rays. In essence this energy infusion process then makes the stone become a small sun and the sun will burn for about a half a million years before the stone, before the crystalline matrix breaks down and the stone becomes no longer capable of functioning in this manner. So thus we have lights that will burn for many, many hundreds of thousands of years still.


Последний раз редактировалось: stabilo62 (Вт Май 08 2018, 15:16), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)

4The Inception Project and Earth's Pleiadian Cousins Empty The 7 Hermetic Principles - Hermeticism Вт Май 08 2018, 09:18



The 7 Hermetic Principles - Hermeticism

Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great"). Hermes Trismegistus, lived in Ancient Egypt in the earliest days of this civilization. He later become one of their gods, receiving the name Thoth. Some say that the word "thought", comes from the name of this God of wisdom, science, and writing. In Ancient Greece, Hermes Trismegistus also joined the Greek pantheon of gods, taking the name Hermes.

The greatest secret laws were handed down in the 7 Hermetic Principles. These are the Principles, taught by Thoth, that governs our material and spiritual life. Knowing these principles, the Universal Laws, shall open your insights to the deeper spiritual nature of reality. I will also show you how to use these principles in a practical manner. When you understand these laws, you will be able to Use it instead of being Used by it.

1. The Principle of Mentalism - “All is mind, the Universe is Mental.”

2. The Principle of Correspondence - “As above, so below; as below, so above”.

3. The Principle of Vibration - “Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.”

4. The Principle of Polarity - “Everything is Dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites."

5. The Principle of Rhythm - “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the wring to the left; rhythm compensates.”

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect - “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

7. The Principle of Gender - “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”





Sassani Race - Everything You Wanted to Know

The Sassani, also known as the Shakani, are a humanoid alien race who live on the planet Essassani approximately 500 lightyears from Earth near the Orion constellation. The Sassani extraterrestrials are moving from the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension. Sassani are humanoid with light greyish skin and enlarged eyes. They received help from the Pleiadians and some other alien races.
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stabilo62, большое спасибо за публикацию Герметических Принципов. Греческий Гермес или Египетский бог Тот - Первый Строитель форм (Элохим) на нашей планете. Он пришел из другой, более развитой вселенной. Он не принадлежит ни к какой полярности и это он создал нам расширение времени из-за нашей неготовности к изменениям. Египтяне ассоциировали его с птицей ибисом, майя - с орлом. В Северном полушарии скандинавский Один - его брат-близнец. Для Сен-Жермена он является отцовским аспектом. Его бесконечная душа отправила свои фрагменты на Землю во множество людей, имеющих одну цель - изменить существующую реальность. Из ныне живущих, несущих его генетику в разной степени  и чьи имена на слуху - Путин, Григорий Перельман, Кавассилас, Евгений Федоров, Сундаков, Антон Аксенов, музыканты Сферис, Спанудакис, Марради, Даларас, Иглезиас-старший, Гаррет, Мрвица и др.
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