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[ENG] Как Контроллеры использовют религию, деньги, политику и образование чтобы поработить наши души (How The Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics And Education To Enslave Our Souls)

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How The Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics And Education To Enslave Our Souls
by PL Chang

Последний раз редактировалось: dimslav (Чт Апр 07 2016, 10:41), всего редактировалось 1 раз(а)


The last thing we need is for people to attack the messengers. Truly wise people would never attack the messengers. Instead, they will use their intuitions to help them discern the information and then do research to see if it is valid. On the other hand, ignorant people will attack the messengers because they think they already know everything about the subjects. Anger does not make a wise person; instead, it makes an ignorant person. When we attack the messengers, we are doing exactly what the Controllers want. The Controllers want us to fight each other so we are divided. Stop fighting and unite my fellow men and women!

The idea that there are wealthy Controllers who are controlling the world may sound like a bad dream, but if you understand who the real puppet masters are, you should understand how the Controllers are able to create such a successful controlling system. This last part is the most important part because it will help connect the dots by exposing who the real puppet masters are. In addition, it will unveil the true potential and history of the human race. Once you understand who the real puppet masters are, you should understand why humanity has such a hard time freeing itself from enslavement.
The true potential of the human race and its hidden history

The human race is a very ancient race with amazing potential. Its potential is so astonishing that when its body is fully activated, no technology (no matter how advanced it is) can compete with it. The secret to our hidden potential lies within our DNA. Most human beings on Earth have at least 12 strands of DNA, not the two strands claimed by modern scientists.

The higher strands of our DNA exist beyond three dimensional space which is why modern scientists cannot detect them. Once they invent the right technology, they will discover the higher strands of human DNA. One important thing we need to know about human DNA is that it is mixed with extraterrestrial DNA. I know this sounds crazy but scientists of the Human Genome Project are actually claiming that this is true. You can read more about their claims at this website.

Scientists have also recently discovered that 90 to 97 percent of our DNA is “junk DNA.” They call it “junk DNA” because it does not seem to function. Our “junk DNA” holds the key to our history and true potential. When we activate our junk DNA, we allow high frequency energies that have amazing healing potential into our bodies. These types of energies can heal diseases, extend our lifespans, and activate certain hidden abilities within us, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. In addition, we will be able to access the memories of our past lives which are stored in the DNA of our cells.

Related: 97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose

If we can activate our 12 strands of DNA, we will become immortals. This is one of the big secrets that the puppet masters of certain secret societies do not want us to know. To learn more about the secret of DNA and find scientific evidence proving that we have more than two strands of DNA, please read this article. To learn how we can become immortals, please read this article.

The biggest secret of the human race is that we have the potential to become gods. This is what the Controllers and their puppet masters fear about us the most. We do not feel like we have god-like abilities because we have not evolved enough to handle the true power of our consciousness. If we can heal our higher strands of DNA, taking control of the creation process of our reality will be like learning a new language.
The puppet masters of the Earth-based Illuminati

The people in the highest ranks of the Illuminati and the Vatican know about our true history and potential to a certain point, but they do not know as much as their puppet masters. The puppet masters of the Illuminati and other certain secret societies are the first groups of the Fallen Angels. I like to refer to them as the Fallen Angel Elders. The Fallen Angel Elders are part of a collective consciousness that has permanently lost its ability to connect to the eternal life current of Creation. This collective consciousness is known as Metatron. They are called Fallen Angels because they have deviated from their Christos Fields, causing them to lose their eternal features. The Fallen Angel Elders are nearly as old as our Universe. They are the ones who are truly calling the shots from behind the scene.

The Fallen Angel Elders who decided to stay on the path of Death Science have damaged their original energy template that governs their bodies beyond the critical mass point. This original energy template is also known as the Kathara Grid or the Tree of Life. It is the core energy template upon which morphogenetic fields, merkaba fields and other levels of identity are built. Think of the original energy template as the frame of a building and you should have a general idea of what it is. Because the Fallen Angel Elders have damaged their original energy template beyond the critical mass point, it cannot be fixed; therefore, they have permanently lost the ability to become immortals.

We, human beings, are also fallen angels but we have not damaged our original energy template beyond the critical mass point. However, we are getting close to the day that we may never be able to heal our original energy template. This is because the Fallen Angel Elders and other Fallen Elder Races have manipulated most of humanity into supporting Death Science teachings. The true nature of the systems of the Cosmos is based on Life Science teachings.

The paragraph below goes into detail explaining the difference between Life Science and Death Science. It is extracted from my book called Staradigm.

Most of our modern science is based on death science, which is why it supports black holes, wormholes and finite systems. There is nothing wrong with death science because it contains its own truth. But following the concept of death science will eventually lead to the death of a race and its planet, solar system and even its galaxy. This is why it is called death science. Our Milky Way galaxy is on the path of death science because it has a black hole at its center. The Milky Way galaxy used to be a natural galaxy because it did not have a black hole. The dying process of a galaxy takes billions of years to finish.

Reality fields that are based on Death Science have finite quantum energy; therefore, they are unnatural and have finite lifespans. These finite reality fields are known as phantom reality fields. A super massive phantom system, such as the Milky Way galaxy takes billions of years to die, giving the illusion that it has an abundance of energy. Keep in mind that the Milky Way is already a few billion years old.

The major cause of death of a galaxy is permanent critical mass energy distortion of its original energy template, causing an unnatural black hole to manifest at its center. This black hole will keep consuming the Milky Way’s energy and matter until it reaches a critical mass point. When this happens, it will implode and return everything in the Milky Way to space dust, including the souls who are bound to it.

The beings responsible for creating the unnatural black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy are the Fallen Elder Races. They caused this black hole to occur with their advanced Death Science technology. A black hole will first pull in energy that has the most similar coding of the area that the black hole first emerged. For example, if we create a black hole on Earth, it will first pull in the energy of the Earth and her inhabitants. Even if we get on a spaceship and travel far away from the black hole, our energy is still linked to the space/time of Earth. As long as the black hole exists, it will keep sucking our energy.

The scenario above is very similar to what has happened to the Fallen Angel Elders and certain Fallen Races. They have fallen so far that they have damaged their original energy template to the point where it is depleting their energy in a way that is similar to a black hole. This process also causes them to lose the incoming flow of energy from Creation and thus they become finite beings fueled by the limited supply of energy that remained in their energy templates. In simpler terms, their souls are dying and they are becoming more like soulless beings. The dying process of a soul can take millions of years but this process can be slowed down by consuming energy from living systems.

The point of critical mass distortion of the original energy template is known as Anti-Christiac Merkaba. Merkaba fields are made of electromagnetic counter-rotating energy spirals. In simpler terms, they are like circulatory systems that supply us with the life force of Creation, giving us infinite lifespans.

The Fallen Races’ merkaba fields are basically consuming themselves until they reach a critical mass point. Once this point is reached, their merkaba fields will reverse their polarity. When this happens, the finite quantum that supports their existence will become more and more dense at its core until it implodes, causing them to return to space dust or background energy. This process is similar to how an unnatural star dies and implodes into space dust. The Milky Way galaxy is also going through this process; therefore, it will one day implode and return everything in the Milky Way to space dust.

The main difference between us and the Fallen Elder Races is that they have permanently damaged their original energy template. In other words, they are permanently stuck on the path of space dust return. To slow down the process of space dust return, they travel to other living systems and try to steal the quantum of these living systems. Our solar system is one of the living systems that they are trying to steal its quantum. If they were truly immortal beings, they would not need to steal quantum from other living systems to feed them and their dying Milky Way galaxy.
The true meaning behind the biblical story of the Fall

I am not a big fan of religious books but many religious books do contain a good amount of truth. However, a lot of the truths are distorted in a way to manipulate us and prevent us from knowing the true meaning of their messages. In the Bible, it stated that the first human race created was immortal.

According to the Bible, the first two immortal human beings were Adam and Eve. It was not until they ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they experienced death and disease. As a penalty for their sin, all human beings from that day forward will experience death. Many religious leaders suggested that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is an apple tree; therefore, Adam and Eve ate a poison apple. I will explain the true meaning of the poison apple in the next part.

The Bible was somewhat correct when it mentioned that Adam and Eve were immortals but they were not the only ones. When the human race was first created, they were 12 tribes. Those 12 original tribes of the human race were immortal angelic beings. They are our true ancestors. We human beings also have the potential to become immortal angelic beings because we have our ancestors’ DNA coding. I know all this stuff sounds crazy but when you study the science of energy and how it relates to matter, you should come to the conclusion that everything is energy and matter is like an illusion; thus, we are all energy or light beings.

The angelic humans were created to be guardians of their planet and helped Fallen Races fix their DNA so they can avoid extinction. Unfortunately, certain tragic events occurred that damaged their planet so severely that it caused a part of it to fall to our dimension. This event also caused some angelic humans to fall down to Earth. In the Bible, this event is known as the Fall. The Bible version of the Fall is the distorted version. The tragic events that occurred before the Fall also mutated the angelic humans’ DNA, causing them to lose their immortality.

While on Earth, the angelic humans’ DNA mutated even more due to thousands of years of intergalactic/interdimensional wars with the Fallen Angel Elders and their legions. Those wars caused major distortions in our planet’s energy fields. This is one of the reasons why we have the precession of the equinoxes, which is a slow wobble of the Earth’s axis. The distortions of our planet’s energy fields also caused major damages to the angelic humans’ DNA, causing more of their higher strands of DNA to turn off. Overtime, the angelic humans devolve to the humans today.

The angelic humans lost their immortality because they are energetically bound to their home planet. When a planet’s energy fields become distorted, they also cause distortions to the energy fields and DNA of all living things on that planet. By losing their immortality, they became more vulnerable to being manipulated and harmed by the Fallen Races.

Unlike the Fallen Angel Elders, we human beings have not damaged our original template beyond the critical mass point; thus, we still have the potential to become immortal angelic beings again. For eons, the Fallen Angel Elders and other Fallen Races have been working very hard to cause permanent damage to our original energy template. If this occurs, our fate is set in stone and we will permanently be stuck on the path of Death Science or the path of fall.

The Fallen Angel Elders and other Fallen Elder Races are not immortal like what many Illuminati thinks and they are not all powerful. Some of them have the ability to shape shift into angels, demons, and any creature that they want but they are not all powerful. They are a dying race because they have been following the dark path for far too long, causing permanent damage to their original energy template. Because they know that they are going to return back to space dust or background energy, they are trying to take as many races as they can down with them. Unfortunately, we are one of the races that they are trying to bring down with them.

The path of Death Science or space dust return can occur in a loving and peaceful manner but the Fallen Elder Races do not want us to return back to space dust in a peaceful manner. They want to exploit and control us for their pleasure. This is what the 2012 drama is really about. At the deepest level, the 2012 drama is focused around the spiritual war for our souls. This is why we should take this drama really seriously. To learn more about Death Science and Life Science, please read this enlightening article.

Because some Fallen Elder Races can shape shift, they have tricked many new age teachers into thinking that they are communicating with real angels or enlightened beings. Many of the channeled information are being given to new age teachers by Fallen Races in disguised, not by enlightened beings. This is why most of the new age teachings are based on Death Science.

New age teachers who teach about the Fibonacci golden mean spiral, the torus energy fields and finite systems are supporters of the Fallen Races’ teachings whether they realize it or not. The Controllers and the people who support the Fallen Elder Races should really think twice about what they are doing because the Fallen Elder Races are only using them to achieve their dark agendas. They do not care about us (including the Controllers) because they see us as only objects to exploit.
The core meaning of the poison apple

The poison apple that they talk about in religion is an analogy of the torus energy field (magnetic field) that surrounds a star, planet, body, cell, and atom in the Milky Way galaxy. Before the tragic event that caused damages to our energy fields, our energy fields did not look like a torus. Instead, they look more like a butterfly-shaped field. The torus energy field is a distortion of the natural butterfly-shaped energy field. This distortion restricts the natural flow of living energy of the Universe. As a result, the torus energy field is one of the major causes of death. The core structure that allows living energy to travel from Creation to the receiver is the Kathara Grid, also known as the Tree of Life.

The natural systems of the Cosmos have a process that expands and contracts that is similar to the breathing process. This natural process allows energy to flow in from Creation and back out to Creation. This allows energy to recycle itself so to speak. Because of this feature, natural systems of the Cosmos do not experience death because they are always being recharged with the loving energy of Creation. Unlike natural system, artificial systems like the torus energy field (poison apple) heavily restrict the natural flow of energy of the Cosmos, causing death to occur. This is the core meaning of the poison apple that many religions talk about.

The human race on Earth can reclaim its natural energy field by healing its DNA before the distortions in its energy field reach critical mass. To truly bring back our DNA to the level of angelic beings, we need to implement Life Science teachings into our spiritual practices. One of them is the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System. Most of the DNA activation techniques being taught by spiritual teachers are based on Death Science. Spiritual teachers who teach Death Science DNA activation are usually not aware that they are using Death Science techniques.

The Fallen Elder Races purposely created Death Science DNA activation techniques to damage the higher strands of the human DNA. The reason for this is because if we are successful at activating all of our 12 strands of DNA, we will become immortal and more powerful than even the Fallen Elder Races. Do you now understand why they have manipulated us into supporting Death Science without our knowledge? Death Science teachings cause distortions in the original energy template, which prevent us from activating our higher strands of DNA.
Jesheua (Jesus) the 12th-level avatar

The last person who was able to activate his or her 12 strands of DNA was Jesheua. He was able to utilize a great portion of his 12 strands of DNA when he was in his 30s, which is why the Bible talks about him becoming a light being before he left our planet. Jesheua was a spiritual teacher whose work I highly respected because his teachings were based on Life Science. When Jesheua was here, he taught people about unity, love, ascension, and natural systems. He also taught people not to worship an external Creation (God) because the true Creation exists within each of them.

When we worship an external Creation, we are giving our powers away; therefore, it disempowers us. External Creation worshiping is the false god teachings of the Fallen Elder Races. Some of those Fallen Elder Races have fallen so far from Creation that all they care about are death and destruction. They are what most people refer to as demons, Satan or Lucifer. We do not need to fear the Fallen Elder Races because they are not immortals. If they were immortals, they would not need to steal energy from natural living systems to feed them and their dying Milky Way galaxy. Even though they are not immortals, we still need to understand what they are capable of doing.

The Fallen Elder Races’ understanding of the Universe is beyond what we can comprehend at our current level of evolution. Even though they have more knowledge than us, they are still bound to the Laws of the Universe. One of them is the Law of Creation. Any race that likes to create destruction instead of creation will eventually become extinct. The Laws of the Universe are inescapable. The people who are helping the Fallen Races should really think twice about what they are doing. All thoughts and intentions are known by the Universe and there is no escaping its laws.

Related: The 20 Universal Laws
The ultimate goal of the Intergalactic/Interdimensional Earth drama

The current drama that is unfolding quickly on Earth is like an illusion designed to help us and Creation evolve. This is the ultimate goal of the Earth drama. When we look at this drama from a higher perspective, it is like a play and everyone is assigned a role that he or she has agreed to play. This is why we cannot really hate our enemies because they are just playing their parts in the evolution of the Universe. I know this may sound harsh but the truth is not always easy to accept. The problem with the Earth drama is that it is at a point where if we do not turn it around, it could cause the extinction of the human race on Earth.

Related: What Is My Role Or Purpose In This Spiritual Awakening?

The Controllers are here to teach us lessons and we are here to teach them lessons. At the deepest level, the Controllers are a part of us that we are not consciously aware of. Many of us, including the Controllers, have forgotten who we truly are; therefore, we do not remember that we are one. If we want to truly learn our lessons and help the Universe and Creation evolve, we will need to forgive the Controllers, but also make them responsible for their actions. Forgiving them does not mean that we approve what they did to us. It just means that we have learned our lessons and it is time to move on. Fighting each other will only create more karmas; therefore, the Earth drama will never end.

Love is the key to heal all things; even the Fallen Races will eventually realize this. At the core of love are frequency and consciousness. To be more accurate, love is the state of perfect vibrational harmonization or the co-resonance of consciousness between all things. This eternal vibrational resonance of consciousness is what holds the Cosmos together. Whenever a civilization lacks love, the strength of its eternal vibrational resonance of consciousness weakens, increasing its risk of becoming extinct. Any race that lacks love for too long will eventually become extinct. There is no exception because love is the key to heal all things. If we want to truly be healed, we will need to understand what love is and spread love throughout the Universe.

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