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[Eng]Questions for Corey/GoodETxSG – April 12, 2015 [responses received April 13]

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Q1. Which agency/program first identified you with Intuitive Empath abilities and began training you for eventual recruitment into a SSP?
I was identified as an “Intuitive Empath” extremely early on in the MILAB Programs. I was no older than 6 Years Old when I first heard this term used in relationship to myself. Quite a lot of Standardized Testing, Psychological Testing, Physical Testing, Psychic Testing and various types of “Scenario Testing” were used to identify my natural “Talents” and “Other Abilities” that could be “Enhanced”. I am sure it was at that early time that these “People” (Mostly Sociopaths) that ran these “Programs” began to see the patterns in our dossiers that would determine if we would be further trained to be “Drafted” into the “Secret Space Programs”, the “Secret Earth Government Syndicates/Groups, Specialized Military Forces or “Other Programs”. I do not know at what point I was identified as a candidate for the SSP Programs or the “Earth Delegate IE Support Roles”. It is clear that children with special abilities such as “Star Seeds” were actively sought out. They often used the “Standardized Testing” in the Public School Systems to help them identify these children.
 Q2. What can you tell us about your formal training? When did it begin and how did your parents respond?
My parents do not seem to have known. They are a very secretive type of family anyway with one side of the family that refuses to answer any in-depth questions about our detailed family history or lineage for doing family lineage tracing. I have not discussed this with them as they are very strict conservative Christians (now in later life, not so much back then at all.). When the Videos with my Full Name and Location is released I fully expect quite a negative reaction. Let’s just say there will never be a “Normal” Family Christmas or Thanksgiving Dinner again. I also fully expect there to be some sort of “Intervention” to occur where I think I have been invited over for lunch after Church and see my entire family with serious looks on their faces, the Pastor of our local Church and a Psychiatrist (This is no joke).
The training began with both “Night Time Pickups” from my home and also when I was about in Elementary School being taken from school in white vans and transported to the local Air Force Base (Carswell Air force Base at the time, Now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth) or very often closed down shopping centers or large corporate types of buildings closer to where we lived. The school pickup’s were sporadic and would be from 2 days a week and quite often to sometimes there would be weeks with no “Field Trips” what so ever. There were normally the same 300 or so children, children of various ages present depending on where the training occurred or what type of training was occurring. At the end of every “Training Session” there was always a “Chemical Debriefing” where you were given a shot, you went over your training for that session and then went through a process to be “Blank-slated” and have “Screen Memories” implanted to replace the ones that were removed and to cover any missing time that would cause problems with the “Screen Memories” and your subconscious (which often occurred and played out in dreams).
Q3. Please explain how you graduated from your IE training?
There was no “Graduation Ceremony”. There was just the training and then the work. Most of the “IE” training was “On The Job” or in “Simulations”. There was a lot of effort put into “Enhancing” already natural “IE” abilities, Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing Training with the use of “Chemicals” and “Technology”. When you were going through training you were not just being trained for one identified skill set. There was a lot of redundancy training, weapons and tactical training among other types of survival, communications and technical training.
There were also several types of technologies used for training. There was a “Virtual Reality” [VR] training that was so “REAL” that you could not tell the difference or that you were “In” or “Out” of a session (This technology was used for many other things as well). A lot of psychological profiling was also done in these “VR” environments where you would be ordered to “Kill” or do other “Unmentionable Things” to people or animals (to “See” how far you would go ethically). There was also combat training done in these “VR” environments. One of the tests towards the end was for you to be able to discern whether you were in a simulation or not. There was “in the field” training as well and the training locations were recreated in the “VR” environments. There were also “Data Download” technologies where years of training and “Book Learning” could be directly downloaded into your brain.
 Q4. Please tell us the age you began your initial 20 year tour of duty, what year that was and anything you recall about the contract/non-disclosure agreement you signed?
 I was told up front that I would sign non-disclosure agreements and then serve 20 Years away from Earth, I would have no contact or information of what was occurring on the planet, that at the end of my tour I would be “Age Regressed” and “Blank-slated” and returned to the time when I left. I was told that for doing this very important mission that I would have a very easy life upon returning, and would have a job for life making over 6 figures with a great retirement package and would live out the rest of my life in happy ignorant bliss. None of the above was delivered on.
I technically served almost 21 Years as I was brought in at 16/1986 for a short term program assignment prior to being handed over to the facility on the LOC where I was then physically enhanced. I was somewhat short and looked very young and this was advantageous for them in this first program assignment because they wanted me to be underestimated. When I was 17 and assigned to the SSP I really began my time in. As previously stated I was assigned to a Research Vessel for a little over 6 Years before being transferred to some other projects that were at times “Dark” and difficult to do.
 Q5. Please explain what happened at the end of your 20 year tour of duty in terms of age regression, time-regression and being reintroduced to Earth?
I hadn’t served on board a “Vessel” for some time but had been assigned to other SSP Projects. There was a ceremony with other SSP’s that I had never seen and then a very long debriefing under the influence of a chemical that was injected. They then did medical tests and “Labs” while I was read a lot of information from a standard form by a person that seemed to have it half memorized. They reminded me of an “Oath” and “Non-disclosure” as well as my duty to those I served with and the importance of the mission. I then was asked to sign some paperwork and was moved down a level to another medical area I had never seen. I was then sedated and restrained for the “Age Regression” process (It was very important that we remain perfectly motionless). I was then returned to my home where I was picked up “20 Years” earlier at almost the same time I left. I was extremely confused, exhausted and ran a fever and remember that I stayed home and in bed sick for a couple of days. I then returned to my “Normal” life of finishing up High School etc… I did have a growth spurt in the summer between my Junior and Senior Year that Blew My Class Mates that I grew up with AWAY! I not only caught up with but was now a bit taller than kids that were almost a head taller than me the year before. I was 6’1” when I graduated High School.
 Q6. Please explain how age-regression technology works, and its relationship to time-regression technology?
 The “Age” regression occurred while under sedation and when we came out we were also at that point “Time regressed”. I was not conscious during this process and only remember going into the room and laying on the table where card board like panels were put up around me and I was heavily restrained (as I was being sedated) so I could not move at all as well as sedated during the process. We had to be kept perfectly still/motionless during the “Process”. That is all I recall.
 Q7. You have described in the forums that the blank-slate, mind-wipe technology was not always successful, and did not work on you. What was the policy of the SSP in such cases? Would they still honor contracts, take additional precautions in returning people to Earth?
The “Blank-Slating” protocols and technologies have changed over the years to now using mainly technology. During my time they were primarily using “Chemically Induced” with Technology assisting the process as well as “Human intervention” using various types of developed hypnotically suggested “screen memories” and “Triggers” in case those screen memories began to slip. They found out early on that people that were trained heavily in the more “Esoteric” programs and who were certain “Personality Types” had a natural resistance to the process. They also finally figured out that NOT ALL MEMORIES were contained in the brain like a hard drive. They learned that many memories were contained in the “Energetic Field” (Soul) of a person and as they learned more about how people remembered “Past Lives” they realized this was a problem. When you had people that were trained in the “Esoteric” and had a strong connection to their “Higher Self” and didn’t ONLY identify with their “Ego” erasing memories and replacing them became problematic. The only thing they could do is “REAB” (Re-abduct) the individuals from time to time and blank-slate them again, when that proved “Fruitless” they just had to either “Terminate” the individuals or if they were of further use in the future keep them under close surveillance. When things became very obvious that the individuals had “Full” or “Partial Recall” they would usually bring them back in on some level to the “Projects”. EVERYONE was promised all kinds of things that none of the SSP Groups EVER intended on honoring. There were NO 100% College Tuitions, There were NO easy lives of 6 figure incomes and ridiculous retirement benefits… Nothing that was promised was delivered.
 Q8. After your return to Earth after your 20 years’ service to relive 20 years now as a normal civilian, how much could you recall of the first time-line involving your SSP service? Some or all of the memories? Did the memories return first through dreams, intuitive flashes, or just a knowing that they were real? Did you take any special measures to activate/regain your memories, e.g., accepting them as genuine, etc.?
I always remembered my “MILAB” experiences and some heavily fragmented SSP experiences from the very beginning (I never “Recovered” them through regression or other processes). Because they were so disturbing I tried to file them away for years and live a normal life with a family. I would have military people tell me on occasions that “You know you were in Project * don’t you?” I would deny it and would not want to admit it because not only did I know what all the programs entailed (experiences) I didn’t want to have the “MILAB Label” and the “Stigma” that came along with it (so I tried the “outward denial” thing for a while).
With the amount of flashback dreams I was having at night and calling out in my sleep my wife knew something was going on. At the time she was not “Awake” enough for me to even begin to discuss this stuff with her in detail. This has changed over the last couple of years though and has been very helpful. I had all of these memories and access to them but something was keeping me from putting them together in a contiguous way. It was like the data was completely fragmented on my hard drive and I was able to put together about 70% but when I tried to speak about them out loud I couldn’t. I was guided at one point to Remote View my “Light Body” and accidentally located an “Entity” who called himself the “Gate Keeper”. Eventually being from a Christian background I used the name of “Jesus” to cast him out as well as other “Entity Attachments” that the “People” in the MILAB Programs and “Off World Beings” working with them had placed in me (using them as “Tools”). At this point I was then able to fully access all of my memories and speak aloud about them all with Christine (who recorded the first two “Interviews” with me on YouTube).
I also ended up having a detached retina about a year before this “Entity Detachment”. When I went in to have it fixed it took 3 surgeries to fix it correctly and I was told that what I had was no different than “Astronauts Eye” in its later stages. After the last surgery while in the recovery room I started talking to the nurses and doctor about all kinds of bizarre things from the Space Programs (it freaked them out and it was a very uncomfortable follow up appointment). This was in early 2013.
At that point I had Full Recall of the most upsetting and heinous parts of the programs that I had worked in. I became so depressed that my wife was worried about me. I was then contacted by my SSP Contact and told I would be getting help. This “Help” was from a “South American Ancient Breakaway Civilization” (mentioned as “Mayan SSP” below [see Part 2]) that was extremely advanced. They worked with me and stated there was no productive reason for me to have all of the evil and horrible memories of what I had taken part in and they went through a process of “Disassociating” those memories from my “soul complex” on a case by case basis under my free will. I still have memories of what they were about but not the horrible emotional attachments or some of the vivid details that were tied to the acts. This allowed me to be productive again and to forgive myself for the things that I had taken part in. It also allowed me to move forward and take part in further contact with the Blue Avians that they had initiated with me a briefly a couple of years prior. After that point things bloomed to where they are today.
 Q9. Was there any kind of temporal constraints in terms of not being able to remember events that would occur in the future from the perspective of your new time-line as a private civilian? E.g., you would not be able to recall events that occurred in the year 2000 in your SSP time-line, while you were in the year 1999 of the civilian time-line?
I think I see where you are going with this. I have had the same conversations with David Wilcock. There was no chance of coming back with stock market data, lottery numbers or sports scores from all the big games through the year 2006 (though I am certain the Elite have done this). We were not “Blank Slated” on a regular basis. However OPSEC measures were in place. There were no communications from Earth (no one knew you were gone), No News Reports, No phone calls, no emails (didn’t exist “On Earth” when we “Left”), No Internet. We were totally isolated in our own “Reality Bubbles”. We didn’t even have photos of family hanging anywhere. We accepted a new existence outside of the space/time of Earth. So at the end of the “Tour” there was no compromising information. We ALL knew we were to be “Blank-Slated”, Time-Regressed to our prior state and supposedly “Well Compensated” for it with “6 Figure Jobs” and “Full Rides to College”….


Q22. In your April 6 summary of  “the most recent SSP Alliance conference”, you said that you visited three facilities to share information about the Sphere Alliance beings with rank and file warrior members of SSP Alliance, they appeared skeptical of the “hippy love” message of the Sphere Alliance. Is this an attitude shared by the ancient human space program personnel?
NO. The Ancient Breakaway Groups are very connected to the “Universal Mind” (Akashic Records), The Law of One philosophies and the true Physics Nature of the universe as well as the way Densities and the completely different topic of Dimensions and Realities Work. They were very quiet and seemed to “Sit Back” and observe the current era SSP’s and Secret Earth Governments as have the “3/4th and 4/5th Density Off-World Groups” who also have been figuring things out fairly quickly. Some of these “Off-World” groups (Draco/Orion & Others) have shown recently that they are willing to sacrifice some of their own lower caste as well as ALL of their “Elite Human Following On Earth” in exchange for clemency and to be allowed to leave Earth and the “Outer Barrier” of the Sol System. They have made these “Direct Offers” in the forms of “Petitions” to the Sphere Being Alliance and have been denied! Some in the “SSP Alliance” (and recent “Defectors” who have joined) thought this would be a “Win/Win” situation and were not at all happy while “Others” in the SSP Alliance were very much behind the decision.
You may understand more after the explanation of the MILAB Training I gave above (and quite a lot of the horrible parts I left out) why the “SSP Alliance Rank and File Soldiers” had some problems with the information after being “Fully Briefed” on the Sphere Beings and the “Blue Avians”. As I stated in the report you mention above [see Part 1] most if not all of these personnel have been drafted through the MILAB Programs. One of the larger MILAB Programs in particular (I mention quite a list of their Project names on my Web Site/Blog) is “Project Blue Bird.” The available data you may find states this was a short program during the 1950’s and was closed shortly after that time period. This program not only kept going but broadened in scope and is current.
The personnel who had come from “Project Bluebird” were having a very difficult time dealing with the existence of the “Blue Avians” after the briefing. Some of them were “Triggered” and there were some very unpleasant incidents of which I ended up directly intervening in at one of the locations. These people remembered their “MILAB Years” and when I was sent to meet with them all asked the same question after they verified that I was also a former “MILAB Project Bluebird” member/victim… Their question was (I will clean this up for readers by using the word “Frack”) “Sir, Is This Another Mind Frack?” I heard this same question over and over. Once I had described these beings and some of the other SSP Alliance who had witnessed them described them and I delivered “Their Message” the triggers seems to be “Defused” at once and the word spread and they have all been acting quite a bit differently.
There are a few people that are working directly for “Cabal/Illuminati Disinformation Cells” down here on Earth and on the Internet that have started “Blogs” and other followings on Forums stating that the “Sphere Being Alliance” and the “Blue Avians” are a giant “PSYOP” and using very clever mixed information they have stolen and meshed together from “The Hidden Hand”, “The Law Of One” and the “SETH” materials. This last bit of information will give them some more fuel that they will use for their purposes but I am delivering the information as it happened and honestly. Those who choose to fall for the clever disinformation narratives these people are creating because they like a good story about a “Recovering Illuminati” that is their choice. We have recently had to cut off what we used to consider “Trusted” friends and sources because of their involvement in this disinformation campaign.
Q23. Do the ancient human space programs have a more spiritual mindset that has enabled them to remain intact after thousands of years?
Only in a couple of cases. Sadly advanced technology and spiritual advancement do not go hand in hand. Several of these “Ancient Breakaway Civilizations” have been VERY dishonest and have presented themselves as “Gods” and “Aliens” from other star systems here to “Help Humanity”. They have taken advantage of people of Earth for many thousands of years and worked with the most corrupt “Off World Groups” when is suited their agenda and with the “Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates” up until recent times. There seems to have been a falling out with some of these groups and the Secret Earth Governments because they are trying to trick others into exposing the Ancient Breakaway Groups who are pretending to be “Aliens” for what they really are.
The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates are also in the process of being betrayed by their “Custodian Gods” or “Off World Allies” who are trying to make deals to sacrifice them for the freedom of these “Off world Groups”. These “Opposition SSP’s” and the various Secret Earth Government Syndicates are also turning on each other at this time. They are barely holding things together at all. The “SSP Alliance” has its own problems with cohesion as well. It is quite a mess with all groups both “Above” and “Below”. This could be the breaking points that Humanity needs right now. The Blue Avians stated that things would get a lot tougher before they improve not only because of the nature of “Full Disclosure” and the revelation of the Crimes against Humanity, but also because Humanity needs to have some karmic releases and experience some hard lessons that will stick in our genetic memories that will prevent us from repeating these historical cycles once we are free from manipulation and control by the “Custodian Alien Races/Gods” and their Human Control Systems, the “Secret Earth Government’s, Their Syndicates and the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” that have almost always been in place. We will then be responsible for our own futures. I cannot think of a better foundation to start that future off on that that of their Message. To become “More Loving”, To Daily work on becoming “More Service To Others”, To practice “Forgiveness” (To release karma) and to focus on “Raising our Vibrations and Consciousness”. I do not see a down side to this message personally.
Thank you for your questions.
As always I always encourage everyone to run this information and the information of other “Whistle Blowers” and “Researchers” through their “Discernment Filters”. If it “Resonates” with your “Reality Bubble” then wonderful. If it does not then move on to other material. I will not force this information on anyone or enter into “Circular Debates” with them and their ensconced belief systems.
Twitter: @BlueAvians

  [Note by Michael Salla: After reading Corey’s responses I was amazed by his reference to the Mayan Secret Space Program, and emailed him about their recruitment efforts as I described above. His April 13 reply follows]
To: Exopolitics <drsalla@exopolitics.org>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: More questions for you (Answers Attached)
That was a wonderful opportunity Dr. Salla. They are a very respected and peaceful group. Have you met them? I loved every moment I spent in their company.
They are very spiritually, Mentally and technologically advanced. They constantly had smiles on their faces and wore sky blue “Priestly” type uniforms/garb and wore “hats” that also looked priestly. They were short around 5’2″ to 5’5″ tall. I thought to myself that they looked like the “Umpaloompa’s” from the recent “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” with Johnny Depp. When I thought this to myself they looked at each other and were amused at what I was “Thinking”. When I became embarrassed they smiled even bigger. (Look up the depiction of or the actor that played the “Umpaloompa’s” on that movie to see the actors face and skin color. It was very similar.)
Their technology was all neurologically interfaced technology and was very impressive. The device they used to assist me in the the removing of the “Pain” and “Negative Energy Associations” with certain very dark memories was interesting. It was what they called a “Halo” and looked like it was made of “Gold” but was light as a feather. When they put in on top of my head is “Sucked” to my skull/scalp like my head was a magnet. And they looked at a floating console and they never touched but interacted with mentally. As I mentioned, and this was very interesting to me… Their “Vessel” was a “Giant Cylinder that was made of a Thick and Highly Polished Stone”. The inside of the Vessel was also the same highly polished stone (The floors, walls and ceilings). I didn’t see any windows and was told “They do not need them”.
They were of great service to me and I am told they have been brought in to assist many of the Humans who have been “Recovered” from Bases and even from slavery in other solar systems. There are secret locations in other Sol Systems that have colonies for these humans to recover as they will not be able to reintegrate with our society anytime soon. This group has assisted them greatly. Many assume that they are “Aliens” that are assisting former Human Slaves. These people just do not have the full facts.
Yes, please do feel free to mention what we have discussed in our Q and A’s and your articles as well as any Q and A’s I have done on TOT. I am happy you have had experiences with this group. It says a lot about you that they would interact with you or invite you to work with them. There is no lying or deceiving these people and until recently they have kept very much to themselves….
Thank you and take care,


Comparitive Analysis: Corey/GoodETxSG & Randy Cramer/Capt Kaye

I found many points of similarity between the testimonies of Corey/GoodETxSG and Randy Cramer/Captain Kaye who also claims to have also served with a secret space program.
[Eng]Questions for Corey/GoodETxSG – April 12, 2015 [responses received April 13] 3-Operation-Moon-Shadow-300x198Both claim to have been identified as gifted children and secretly trained in groups of approximately 300 children in a covert program. Randy called the child program he was recruited into Operation Moon Shadow, It was run by the USMC s.s. that Randy claims did not use trauma based mind control unlike other programs. Corey’s program did use trauma based mind control which left a lasting legacy until its effects were finally removed with the assistance a SSP associated with an ancient ‘Mayan’ civilization. In Part 2, he reveals that the mind control program was called Operation Bluebird.
Both Corey and Randy claim that the children regularly had mind control techniques used on them to forget their time away from home, without their fundamentalist Christian parents necessarily noticing anything awry. Time travel technology was used to ensure that each time they were taken for training, they were returned back to the time they were taken to prevent any disruptions in their normal lives and routines.
Both claim that a part of their childhood training involved training with live weapons, special operations tactics, etc., far beyond the capabilities of normal children. Randy explained that he regularly trained with adults in Special Forces who quickly learned their error in underestimating the physical abilities of the Operation Moon Shadow children.
[Eng]Questions for Corey/GoodETxSG – April 12, 2015 [responses received April 13] 6-Lunar-Operations-Command-300x171Both claimed that upon ‘graduation’ from their respective covert training programs, they were taken to Lunar Operations Command (LOC) on the far side of the Moon. Randy says that was where he signed his service contract, before being taken to Mars. Corey says that he first completed a “short term program assignment” before being taken to LOC for physical enhancement and deployment in the secret space program.
Both claim that their childhood training programs lasted similar periods of time. Randy says he recruited when 5 and trained for 12 years before his first deployment at age 17 in 1987. Corey says his training began when he was 6 and that when he turned 16 in 1986, he began his short assignment. He was then taken to LOC in 1987 after he turned 17. I find it significant that both Randy and Corey were taken to LOC in 1987 to begin their respective services with Secret Space Programs (SSP).
Both say that they signed contracts for 20 year tour of duties. At the completion of the tours, Corey and Randy were both told they would be age and time-regressed back to the time of their departures at ages 16 and 17 to continue their civilian lives with no interruption.
Randy says that he lost all his memories due to the blank-slate and mind-control technologies being used on him before being returned to civilian life. Over a 20 year period from 1987-2007 Randy underwent hypnotherapy, deep meditation, etc., to regain his memories of both his training and service with the SSP. He says he had recovered most of his memories in 2007, and continued to recall his memories up to the time of his full recall in early 2014. Similarly, Corey says that blank-slate technologies were also used on him, but unlike Randy, the technologies did not remove any of his memories of his childhood training. Corey added that he also retained about 70% of his memories of his service with the SSPs when he returned to civilian life, and the rest gradually emerged later. Therefore there is an important different between Randy’s and Corey’s memories of their respective services with SSPs. For Randy these are recovered memories, for Corey these are memories never lost.
[Sidenote: I spoke with Randy by phone on April 10 and told him about Corey being another SSP whistleblower. He was not surprised to learn that Corey had retained all his memories given his work/abilities as an Intuitive Empath. According to Randy, individuals with exceptional psionic abilities can better withstand the blank-slate technologies and chemicals used to wipe out memories.]
Corey says that he was given promises of lucrative jobs and university scholarships by the SSP that recruited him for his 20 year tour of duty that were not kept. Similarly, Randy was not given any benefits from his 20 years tour of duty which is a major bone of contention and why he has been contacting congressmen for redress of his grievance. It’s highly likely that such promises are made but not kept in order to motivate covert personnel to enlist, and to later keep them without the necessary resources, careers or reputations that could challenge the secrecy system of the SSPs. It’s likely that other former SSP personnel have similar grievances which suggests more are likely to come forward for redress.
Corey emphasized that during his 20 year tour of duty, that there were strict regulations preventing any kind of contact with families, people from Earth, or watching Earth related news transmissions, etc. Basically there was a total communications blackout regarding any information related to Earth. This is identical to what Randy says happened for him during his tour of duty with both the Mars Defense Force and Earth Defense Force. He says that this strict communications blackout with Earth applied even to senior officials in the SSP.
The points of similarities in the testimonies between Randy and Corey are striking. Randy was the first to go public with his ‘full testimony’ in April 2014 in a five part series of interviews I conducted with him that were released through ExoNewsTV. Corey first went public with his testimony in Sept 2014 when he was interviewed by Christine on behalf of the Project Avalon forum founder Bill Ryan. Part 1 of the interview was published in Oct 2014 on YouTube, part 2 was later published after some delay and is available here.
In July 2014, Corey made a post on the Project Avalon Forum about the Capt Kaye (Randy) information. He said:
Cpt. Kaye has some good info in these interviews, they are a must listen to for people interested in the various Secret Space Programs.
Corey was clearly aware of Randy’s testimony before he went public two months later. Corey’s comment that Randy’s info was a “must listen” suggests that he was confirming the legitimacy of aspects of Randy’s testimony rather than using it as a base for concocting a similar story.
This is verified in thread started earlier by Corey on March 3, 2014 on the Project Avalon Forum titled: “U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System”
In Corey’s second post on the thread he writes:
The space fleet is real and there are hundreds of thousands of people involved in various levels (Compartmentalized of course, but they aren’t stupid) that know what they are a part of.”
In subsequent posts on the thread, Corey gradually reveals more and more of his personal knowledge about SSPs, and then finally went public as a result of Christine’s video interview being released.
Analysis of Corey’s posts on Project Avalon make clear that he was speaking from deep familiarity with the SSPs, rather than concocting the information from Capt Kaye’s testimony that was released in April 2014, AFTER, Corey’s initial posts about the SSPs in March. Randy did not know of Corey at all until I informed him on April 10, 2015.
In conclusion, the similarities between the Corey GoodETxSG and Capt Kaye testimonies suggest that they went through similar training and work conditions in their respective deployments in different SSPs. Given the independence of each set of testimonies, and no evidence of any cross-contamination, it’s fair to conclude that the similarities support the veracity of each other’s testimony. This leads to the conclusion that they likely are sincerely and accurately revealing their respective experiences with different SSPs, over an almost identical time frame.


Questions for Corey Goode on Sphere Alliance and Solar Warden Space Program – May 11, 2015

Q1. You have previously described the Solar Warden space program as largely responsible for maintaining security in the solar system. Why is the “Sphere Alliance” helping Solar Warden change the power structure on Earth which has been dominated by a Cabal/Illuminati running governments from behind the scene?
The Sphere Alliance has been mostly focused on the energetic changes occurring in our local star cluster because of the area of the Galaxy they are entering. They have been using the many thousands of cloaked spheres that are equidistantly spread out across our Sol System and neighboring Sol Systems (Electrically Connected in the “Cosmic Web” and Natural Portal System) to buffer and diffuse incoming tsunami waves of highly charged energy that changed the vibratory state of space/time, energy and matter to cause it to raise to a higher state in the “Density Spectrum”. This energetic change has a direct effect on not only every planet and star in the region but also every life form below a certain vibratory level. This can cause extreme swings in the way beings behave. Lower Vibrational (or “Negative Beings”) will become more reactionary and their behavior towards their current polarity will be enhanced. Beings that are Higher Vibrational (or “Positive/Loving Beings”) will begin to have those qualities enhanced. Beings of both polarities will need some sort of guidance offered by beings that have been through this process so that they can make the decisions to continue to raise their vibrations to match the changing background energetic changes or chose to remain in their current state of lower vibration and self-destruct.
The Sphere Alliance happened to choose the SSP Alliance (That was not just the Solar Warden Group) because they had made a conscious decision to bring the end of the control and slavery of Earth Humans by “Trickster Gods” who were custodian aliens and their worshipers/followers whom we have lumped under an umbrella name such as “The Cabal”/”Illuminati”. The SSP Alliance had decided that it was time to give every Human on the planet access to their full and true history, suppressed technologies that would lengthen and enhance their lives as well as collapse the world Financial Debt Slave Systems (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave System). This put the SSP Alliance in a greater percentage “Service To Others” category than any other group in our Sol System that was made up of Earth Humans fighting for the freedom of Earth Humans. They definitely had their draw backs being warriors who were looking to use violence to obtain the desired freedom. The Sphere Alliance is a nonviolent group and there has been quite a lot of adjustments for the SSP Alliance to make (as well as some mistakes) in the process of developing a workable partnership with a group of 6th through 9th Density Beings that have a completely different way of doing things.
Q2. Please describe some of the advanced technology given to Solar Warden to offset the prior technological advantage held by the Cabal/Illuminati forces on Earth opposed to full disclosure?
The Sphere Alliance has setup 2 “Energy Barriers” that cannot be penetrated by any beings or technology (be they 3/4D or 4/5D beings). One is the “Outer Barrier” which completely closes off the entire Sol System (including Gate/Portal travel) from travel into or out of the system. The other is a “Barrier” that surrounds the Earth. It keeps every Being and Craft/Technology that was either On Earth or in Near Earth Orbit from leaving a certain distance from the Planet. There are active Gates/Portals that allow travel between Planets within the Sol System. However those Portals are affected by these “Energetic Tsunami Waves” at times and regular travel is ill advised and can be dangerous. The technology provided directly to the SSP Alliance has ALL been of a defensive nature. It allows the Alliance to disrupt weapons systems, cloaking systems and highly shield vessels and locations from various types of high energy beam and torsion field weapons (torsion weapons that rip apart buildings or craft by twisting the space/time fabric that the structure exists in at the moment causing the targeted structure to rip apart etc…)
Q3. Why did Solar Warden allow itself to be technologically leap-frogged by the cabal/illuminati if it was the first secret program to deploy advanced vehicles in space?
Solar Warden was in no position to not allow itself to be left behind technologically any more than any other Military type operation that has become aged and began to be replace by other programs that were funded and provided the newer technologies. Solar Warden went through several upgrades of their vessels but as long as the vessels were serviceable and capable of doing performing their mission they were not receiving replacement vessels that were the newer technologies that ended up going to the other SSP’s. Since the Stealth Civil War began and they became allies with the Sphere Alliance there have been groups from the other SSP’s that have “Defected” bringing with them some of the newer vessels and offensive technologies. The SSP Alliance Fleet is now a mixture of vessels and personnel from several SSP’s.
Q4. Please describe how Solar Warden uses metal expanding technology given to it by the Sphere Alliance to disable more advanced weapons systems controlled by the Cabal/Illuminati on Earth?
This technology is actually an older tech that was developed by “US” some time ago. It causes some metals to expand and magnetize making the needed moving parts not capable of moving. This works well against kinetic energy weapons like firearms and missiles. It can also cause malfunctions in conventional aircraft and have other practical uses. This has been around for quite some time but has not been used so widely to prevent assassinations and certain attacks until the Alliance started doing so when they were urged more and more to find nonviolent ways to achieve the results they used to achieve through other means by the Sphere Alliance.
Q5. Russia’s President Putin is allegedly aligned with and supported by the Solar Warden/Sphere Alliance, why is Putin and the Russian Federation more supportive of full disclosure?
Putin and other elements of the “Earth Based Alliance” that make up the BRICS Alliance among others that dove tail together are all working for the common goal of defeating the “Satanic/Luciferian Cabal” that is now in control of the majority of the world and responsible for not only amazing deceptions of his and other countries populations but also some of the most horrific Crimes Against Humanity that have ever taken place in known history. There are many of these crimes that have become more and more known through recent disclosures behind the scenes. This has only caused these groups and people to want to bring down these Secret Earth Government Syndicates now more than ever. Unfortunately some of the “Earth Based Alliance” wants to put into place another Financial Debt Slave System to replace the old one. This is going to be something that is heavily negotiated in the near future. The “East” has stated that “The West has had its 100 years, now the East deserves its 100 years”. This is referring to the giant financial Ponzi Scheme set in place by the Federal Reserve System.
Q6. Has President Putin met with the Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance. If so, did this happen during his recent disappearance for 10 days?
The timing of his 10 day disappearance occurred exactly during the time of the SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance Conference that was taking place on the LOC along with many Earth Politicians (Non Cabal) and Regular Earth Citizens. I did not personally see him or have I been briefed that he was there. I was not involved in that portion of the conference. I do strongly suspect that he or his representatives were present.
Q7. On April 12, 2014, the USS Donald Cook equipped with an Aegis Combat System was allegedly disabled by a Russian Su-24 tactical bomber deploying a sophisticated electronic jamming system. Was this an example of the kind of technological assistance given to Solar Warden and its earth allies to change the military/political balance of power on Earth?
I have been told this is the case by several SSP Alliance members but I have not seen any briefing reports personally to be able to vouch for that 100% myself. Other insiders have reported this as well so it is probably a safe speculation.
Q8. On March 12, President Obama claimed on Jimmy Kimmel Live that his hands are tied on the disclosure issue by extraterrestrials themselves. Was Obama encouraged to make this statement as a form of soft disclosure?
I heard that he did this as a way to plant a seed and control the narrative a little but he was reprimanded for doing this “Joke Setup” on this show. I have only heard second hand information about this incident and cannot give direct knowledge. I do believe as David Wilcock stated that “Many a truth is given in jest”. The side he serves on is indeed subservient to some “Alien Groups” that they sold us out to many decades ago. If you notice also the timing, this too was also during the exact time of the SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance Conferences at the LOC and Putin’s “Missing Time”. My question is do you believe in that much of a coincidence?
Q9. Has President Obama met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance at any secret meetings prior to his March 12 statement?
Absolutely Not (and these “Elite Groups” are enraged by not being recognized by the Sphere Alliance). The Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance refuses to directly meet with any “Cabal” linked persons or groups. They will not meet directly with the Illuminati. This is why they have had “Representatives” or “Delegates” attend various Federation meetings for them as well as meet with various “Comities” that represent these Secret Earth Government Syndicates.
Q10. Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Boeing are some of the major aerospace companies allegedly involved with secretly developing anti-gravity space vehicles. Please describe how these and other companies are involved with the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) space program?
They have Board Members who either “Retire” or “Rotate Off” the corporate boards and then join the ICC SSP Super Boards to where they work as super conglomerates and make decisions involving the companies they represent. It is a certain “Elite” among the corporate structure that ever knows anything about the ICC. Often they will work with the companies for a couple of decades and not know anything about the larger activities in the Sol System until they are asked to join or serve on a Super Board or other position.
Q11. Why did the ICC decide to ally itself with Solar Warden and the Sphere Alliance, rather than continue to work with the Cabal/Illuminati who are generally thought to own and exercise great power over major corporations?
The ICC has not joined the SSP Alliance. Only some “Cells” or “Groups” have broken away and defected to the SSP Alliance in recent months. This has been a blessing and a curse. This ended up causing some major ethical struggles inside the Alliance as well as 2 “Atrocities” that were very upsetting to many. It involved 2 attacks based on actionable intelligence provided by some defectors and ended up having a very high rate of collateral damage of innocent lives. This caught up to the SSP Alliance recently karma wise and ended up in the attack on some of the Alliance Personnel involved in the “Atrocities”. This was very recent and apart of this past weekend’s meetings.
Q12. Please describe how Solar Warden is enforcing a planetary quarantine to prevent assistance being given to the cabal/illuminati on Earth as the latter’s advanced weapons systems and bases are being systematically disabled/destroyed.
Mostly any ships that try to flee have ran into the energy barrier around the Earth and bounced back through the atmosphere with a fiery light show. The SSP Alliance has been taking out many “Star Wars”/SDI Era space based weapons which have also been seen entering the atmosphere in like fashion. There are also a lot of recent skirmishes between different “Cabal” factions since they have realized that their “Royal White Reptilians” have tried to negotiate their safe passage out of the Sol System by giving up all of their Illuminati/Cabal followers as well as their lower cast Reptilian and Other Allied Races in their Federation. There is chaos among these groups who are following the example of their masters and turning on each other. Though they are heavily denying this publicly and putting their most clever disinformation agents out to control the narrative as best they can.
Q13. Previously, you have described five secret space programs, two of which mainly operate outside of our solar system – a NATO Type SSP and a Dark Fleet. Are these latter two still subject to a solar system wide quarantine by the Sphere Alliance from returning to our solar system?
Yes, there have been several petitions for the NATO Type SSP Group to return as well as to allow some innocent Alien/ET Groups who were here on peaceful scientific missions to leave. All requests have been denied and the Outer Barrier will be maintained until after the “Event” and everyone has answered for their parts in what has gone on in the Sol System over the last however many thousands of years that they have decided (Grand Cycle etc…)
Q14. In an April conference presentation in San Francisco, David Wilcock described a timetable with 2017 as the year by which full disclosure is going to happen. What can you tell us about any timetable the Sphere Alliance/Solar Warden has to disclose the truth to the world public?
I have not seen this timetable or date anywhere or been given it in any briefings personally. There were multiple “Time Windows” that were put forth that were all listed between the 2018 – 2023 time frame in various programs. However this was prior to the Sphere Alliance and many other things that seem to be pushing the time frame forward. It is getting more and more difficult for them to maintain this illusion that we live in down on the planet with all of the energetic changes and changes in the mass consciousness. I think putting out a date is a bad idea myself. But it could very well be 2017, as fast as things are moving it could very well be 2015/2016 as well. The Sphere Beings have put it all on us and when we decide to wake up and expand our consciousness to the point to where we realize its co-creative power. Once we do we can make things happen on our own timetable.
Q15. Are there White Hats within the NSA secretly coordinating with whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden to disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs?
Yes. Any further info would be dangerous to the few white hats that are in various positions surrounded by black hats. Anyone that things Snowden pulled off that Data Grab on his own is very much misinformed or ignorant of how Information Security worked back then as well as it does now.
Q16. Is there currently a disclosure race happening between the Cabal/Illuminati and the Solar Warden/Sphere Alliance in terms of how much information should be released and how this frames key issues?
Yes, When FULL Disclosure occurs it will also come with the disclosure of massive crimes against humanity that will send the bulk of society into shock for some time. The fact that there are aliens will not be as disruptive or shocking as what all the “Elites” have done in secret during the time they were hiding the existence of aliens and most of all the high technology that would have ended the financial system decades ago.
IF the “CABAL/ILLUMINATI” can control the Disclosure they can also control the narrative and spin of disclosure they think to make themselves come out looking better in the end. They had planned on being off planet when all this info broke. Now that they are stuck here with everyone else they are all turning on each other and spinning and cutting deals as fast as they can. They know what the population will call for if there is full and unfettered disclosure of our true history along with the release of suppressed technologies and the existence of alien life.
They MUST do everything they can to control the narrative and manner that this information is disclosed. This is a much more complicated situation than most realize. Complete disclosure is going to leave many of the world’s population calling for “heads to roll”.
Q17. Do you think that the 2016 President Elections might be a forum by which disclosure happens through individuals such as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton how have been involved in prior disclosure events by the Clinton and Obama administrations?
NO, No political races or outcomes will lead to any type of disclosure.
Q18. Is Pope Francis playing a strong behind the scenes role in disclosing the truth about extraterrestrial life? Is he involved in any capacity with the current meetings with Blue Avians?
The Vatican is lumped in with the Secret Earth Governments and are not being recognized or permitted audiences with the Sphere Beings. They have been rotating in as Delegates in the Human-like ET Federation that has been mentioned.
Q19. It has been claimed that President Obama cannot take any action in revealing the truth about extraterrestrial life, until the Vatican has done so. Is the planned meeting between President Obama and Pope Francis on September 23 significant for extraterrestrial disclosure?
They may decide as a part of the process of doing a controlled disclosure to control the narrative to allow the Vatican to release some information. I am very doubtful. There are many scandals of so many groups that they are trying to keep in Pandora’s Box when they crack it open to allow the disclosure of “Alien Life” to be known. They may very well be deciding how exactly they are going to control the narrative and how to let out information about alien life and suppressed technology without letting out the full information about their crimes and scandals. That would be a difficult meeting and problem to try to figure out on their end.
Q20. In your most recent update, you say that you met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance extraterrestrials over the weekend of May 9-10, can you describe who else attended this meeting and where it was held?
It was just myself and the Blue Avian named “Tear-Eir”. It was a “One on One” meeting to discuss some of the recent issues with the SSP Alliance, some of the recent Energetic Tsunami Waves and their effects on the population as well as some upcoming meetings that I am going to be asked to attend

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